Drapeaux Ukraine Russie

This Roadmap further emulates Principled Negotiation that encourages focus on interests to create value and to share and explore the deeper interests underlying the stated position. This is also to keep alive the memory and the vital work of the late Roger Fisher, with William Ury, and Bruce Patton of the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation (PON). With Roger Fisher, I spent significant hours at the Harvard Program on Negotiation, promoting negotiation simulation exercises principled negotiation, or negotiation on the merits, which they designed “to produce wise outcomes efficiently and amicably.”


(a) It reminded us that Peace was the moral imperative of our time and the surest way to protect future generations from the scourge of war, something the UN should have more forcefully advocated.

On April 7, the HCCP-Global reiterated its ca stand for Peace by issuing a comprehensive outlook on the conflict with seven possible scenarios, which to date remain insurmountable. 

(b) However, for months on end, war seemed the only viable option I n for the protagonists, whose irreconcilable positions and hardened stances have brought the prospect of elusive negotiations to a grinding halt. 

(c) Today, the war still rages on as the arsonist protagonists keep pouring gasoline into the fire of the conflict with an unprecedented illicit spread of weaponry and large sums of money for the war effort. Business is booming for the military-industrial complex, massively capitalizing on a huge bonanza. Meanwhile, zombie parliaments trigger, happy wannabe cowboys with bow-ties are pushing for a never-ending war that has the potential to engulf the whole planet. . A complete lack of foresight is, fanning the flames of this high-intensity strife.

(d) Ultimately, war is the ugliest form of man inhumanity to man; therefore, its final destiny must be Peace. The HCCP-GLOBAL strongly believes that Peace is possible and the only guarantor of a more stable world and a safer planet. For this to happen, the United States must act now and bring to bear its superb and unparalleled diplomatic capabilities to stop this war.

On October 13, the HCCP-Global wrote to the US Secretary of State, offering its Roadmap for Peace based on best practices and lessons learned.


       Readily implementable– “Lock, stock, and barrel”

Brussels 11 October 2022

By Simon P. Alain HANDY
Executive Director of the HCCP-Global Think Tank

“Because the possibility of the disappearance of the human species must not leave anyone indifferent”

For the first time in the history of contemporary conflicts, proposing a peace plan to end a war is ostracized. As the fury of war rages, the voices of Peace are silenced, intimidated, and vilified. No one knows how this war will affect the world’s destiny, but each of us at his level must contribute to restoring a peaceful coexistence in a world plagued by deadly turbulences, which could mean the end of all.
Ice Breaking: Prerequisites for reverting the escalation ladder in Ukraine and averting a terminal war between Russia and the west
Step 1:  working and technical level: Intensified active talks about the war in Ukraine and NATO Eastward expansion between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Lloyd J. Austin III Secretary of Defense, with their Russian counterparts Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov -Foreign Minister of Russia as well as Serguei Shoigu Minister of Defense.
Observer RoleThe UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres- NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg- President of EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen- President of the African Union Macky Sall — President of Turkey, Erdogan Others: International Organization of la Francophonie (Global South- Based upon the Greentree agreement President Paul Biya and President Olusegun Obasanjo
These talks would then pave the way to:
Step 2: A Meeting of the Presidents Joe Biden- Vladimir Putin – Final Communiqué outlining a credible and solid path to Peace in broad strokes. 
I- The Crux of the Matter- Bones of Contention – Issues of Concern and Warranting Attention. 

  • Territorial Integrity
  • Neutrality
  • Respect for Minority rights
  • Compensation for victims of war since 2014
  • NATO Eastward Expansion
  • Beefing or unravelling the sanctions regime: a bridge to nowhere? 
  • Nuclear Dossier civil and military (addressing reckless talks of nuclear threats and averting Armageddon)
  • Regime Change is a no-go zone in both Russia and Ukraine.
  • Taming Extremism and trigger-happy warmongers on both sides.
  • Post-conflict relations between the West and Russia. 

In these troubled times, it is dangerous to talk about Peace. Any idea referring to a diplomatic resolution of the conflict is twisted and ridiculed in a New York minute and labelled pro-Putin. Furthermore, proposing a peace plan is the riskiest move one can come up with at this point, as it is immediately followed by character assassination. The slow erosion of a pluralistic debate in modern societies has made it hard to have a dissenting view on social media and media alike. In these platforms, ferocious censorship reigns supreme against disruptive views. 
II- Initials Ingredients of a Plausible Peace Plan:

  • The go-between needs credibility with essential players in the USA, Ukraine, and Russia.
  • In Ukraine, given a possible hypothetical reintegration of the Donbas into post-war Ukrainian society, leverage influence to try to calm extremists down and get them to accept that Russophile Ukrainians are patriots, too, fellow citizens. 
  • That NATO membership is not on; forget about it once and for all
  • Ukrainian prospects at home and abroad depend on Russian-Ukrainian reconciliation and a swift end to this tragic Slavic civil war. 
  • Europe’s blind spot with Ukraine: the scarcity of energy resources in Europe, compounded by the paucity of raw materials, is a wake-up call that should bring Europe to its senses on this conflict. No geopolitical bloc in the world has more interest in good Western relations with Russia than Ukraine, and reconciliation is vital between those two fraternal peoples.
  • RECKLESS talks on nuclear threats must cease unconditionally and immediately. To this end, buttress the IAEA international and permanent protection monitoring and verification system on all binding sites. 
  • Likewise, veil threats to assassinate the Russian leader in western media should also be banned.
  • Russia must resume energy supplies to Europe before winter and vital cooperation in the space industry, agriculture, and the Council of Europe.
  • Sanctions that have boomeranged and hurt Europe must be lifted without further ado. Besides the ban on the export of Hermes bags. Champagne and Louis Vuitton goods to Russia have had little effect and are compensated mainly by Chinese counterfeit manufacturers. 
  • USA; it is fair to say that without the pentagon’s overwhelming support; this war would be over in a split second. Now that warmongering and the military-industrial complex have been profiteering tons of billions of dollars from this war, it might be time to pull the brakes on the war machine, stop pouring gasoline on the flames of this conflict and give Peace a chance.

This is a win-win solution.

  • The US corporations stand to benefit the most from this confrontation both in Europe as the main supplier of energy and are poised to make further considerable profits in the long-term postconflict reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine. A country with the savviest PR firms on the planet would know how to embed this prospect to boost its soft power credentials. 
  • Following the bombing of the Kerch Strait Bridge on 8 October 2022, a major supply, logistical route of utmost geopolitical relevance for Russia as it links the bridge links the Crimean Peninsula to mainland Russia, and the ensuing rage that is the likely outcome and against the background of the Russian Security Council Meeting of 11 October 2022, the world is on the brink of a major catastrophe. Indeed, experts agree on one thing: there is nothing more offensive, it has been said, than Russia on the defensive.
  • A Follow-up and monitoring mechanism different from the previous Minks agreement (I and II) with sanction powers (Sanctions will ensure that violators are held to account and to effect change in the policy or conduct of those targeted, to promote the objectives of the peace treaty and its further consolidation
  • For the above to work effectively, Russia will have to sign a pact of non-aggression with Ukraine to guarantee its long-term peaceful stability. 

III- Caveats: underlying interests to be considered in Russia:

  1. Amid international turmoil, President Putin’s view of Russia on the world stage is a country to reckon with and respected in its neighbourhood: 
  1. Ukraine will not threaten Russia. Suppose Kyiv does not declare Neutrality willingly as a sober concession to reality. In that case, it will have Neutrality imposed upon it, as it is ruthlessly through chronic enfeeblement.
  1. Kyiv to respect the culture, rights, and language of the prominent Russian community in the Donbas and Crimea, fully a fifth of its people at the time, to stop Russia from continuing to fuel that community’s revolt. {If a final peace deal reallocates these territories to Ukraine) 

IV- The foundational basis of Russia’s discontent with the West (USA + Europe) Grievances 

  1. Constant hypocrisy, double standards.
  2. On a larger scale, the West accuses Putin of “aggression” in Georgia and Ukraine –
  3. The US and its allies have driven NATO up Russia’s nose
  4. Abrogated the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty
  5. Bombed Belgrade, Russia’s ancient southern Yugoslav ally,
  6. Likewise, the invasion of Iraq (handing it to Iran) and the destruction of Libya are deeply resented in Moscow. The abrupt and chaotic departure from Afghanistan, left in ruin, has sown chaos in the Middle East.  
  7. Unleashing a flood of arms upon the most vulnerable countries in the world. 
  8. Russia is aggressive – compared to what? Compared to whom? 

If push comes to shove, a nuclear confrontation seems to indicate the upcoming NATO nuclear exercise in Southern Europe; nuclear powers have made clear there are no winners in a nuclear Armageddon. Thousands have died, and millions have been displaced in the Donbas, decimated, and incorporated into Russia amid controversial referenda. If prospects for essential Ukrainian-Russian reconciliation seem distant, the situation remains salvageable, and severe attempts in this direction must be made. The United Nations, the only multilateral organization entrusted with the preservation of international Peace and security, may wish to endorse this plan and fully support its implementation. However, for many Minks, it takes, “the fierce urgency of now is Peace ” – Peace at all costs. In brief, a significant new deal needs to be done, a Eurasian security deal, a better fence, and a mending wall. NATO and Russia – Berlin and Moscow – need to make a safe space for Ukraine, letting it trade well with both sides – and pose no security risk. Such a deal had better not be beyond the diplomatic grasp of Moscow, Berlin, Brussels, and Washington. 
V. Ukraine as the aggrieved nation:
The Ukrainians have shown unparalleled bravery in the face of the most impossible odds. Hence, they deserve to define their terms for coming to the negotiation table.
VI- Waging Peace: The Power of Diplomacy Confidence Building measures: #MyDreamsForPeace 
 Diplomats MUST GET down to work tirelessly to restore confidence between the parties.

  • Peace can now be negotiated in and for Ukraine, NATO and Russia can get along, and the West and Russia can RESTART cooperation in vital areas to make this world better, safer, and more prosperous. On security issues, the fight against terrorism is s a more significant battle that must bring everyone on the same side as Russia in that more significant battle. 
  • Peace now is needed because there is necessarily a limit to how much world Peace and worldwide relations with Russia can be held hostage to the fate of the Donbass

VI- Conclusion 
Hence, the HCCP has crafted a draft Roadmap to Peace and a negotiated settlement based upon principled negotiation as defined by the late Roger Fischer to quell the war between Ukraine- Russia and the wider West-NATO (Berlin -Brussels -Paris & Washington)
Success in these peace talks hinges on capturing and considering the Ukrainian people’s legitimate Grievances and the Russian Federation’s Security concerns. In the end, it would be up to Ukrainians, once they have regained their territorial integrity, to work out the details for a more inclusive country reconciled with itself and with the participation of the people who live there.
For the moment, the stalwart western support of West May has helped mislead Ukrainians to believe that only a decisive military victory on the battlefield would end the war. The conclusion seems inescapable that underestimating the risks of a fight with Russia and overestimating the help coming from the US and the rest of the West is a recipe. 

For interviews contact: 
Simon P. Alain Handy
WhatsApp: +32 487 76 5648
Email: Handy@hccp-tgyajbf8rc.live-website.com

The HCCP Global Think Tank 
HCCP works to help Africa to tie in new
relationships with all its partners
Founder, Simon P Handy 
Global Affairs Analyst and Executive Director, at HCCP- Global Think Tank

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